Finding Revelation in our personal lives is to discover or perceive a surprising and/or previously unknown fact through Divine or Supernatural disclosure. It can be an event, dream, vision, or miracle made known in subtle or dramatic ways. In order to experience revelation, we must decern what is happening in our spirit through exchange and interaction with people, nature, and the connection to our surroundings- then translate this information into revelation through scriptural knowledge. The revelation will contain and reveal a divine truth that is communicated to us through the understanding of God’s guidance and warnings. It may be something He reveals to us through an act of protection, enlightenment, or by revealing spiritual wisdom through a dream, vision or miracle. My mission is to express to you the importance of being aware and receiving this Divine assistance. We all must have an understanding and the knowledge of how God works in our daily lives.
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Rainbow Encounter
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Tuesday Jan 12, 2021
Finding Revelation in our personal lives is to discover or perceive a surprising and/or previously unknown fact through Divine or Supernatural disclosure. It can be an event, dream, vision, or miracle made known in subtle or dramatic ways. In order to experience revelation, we must decern what is happening in our spirit through exchange and interaction with people, nature, and the connection to our surroundings- then translate this information into revelation through scriptural knowledge. The revelation will contain and reveal a divine truth that is communicated to us through the understanding of God’s guidance and warnings. It may be something He reveals to us through an act of protection, enlightenment, or by revealing spiritual wisdom through a dream, vision, or miracle. My mission is to express to you the importance of being aware and receiving this Divine assistance. We all must have an understanding and the knowledge of how God works in our daily lives.
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Finding Revelation Daily
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Finding Revelation in our personal lives is to discover or perceive a surprising and/or previously unknown fact through Divine or Supernatural disclosure. It can be an event, dream, vision or miracle made known in subtle or dramatic ways. In order to experience revelation, we must decern what is happening in our spirit through exchange and interaction with people, nature and the connection to our surroundings- then translate this information into revelation through scriptural knowledge.
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Finding Revelation Daily
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Tuesday Feb 23, 2021
Finding Revelation in our personal lives is to discover or perceive a surprising and/or previously unknown fact through Divine or Supernatural disclosure. It can be an event, dream, vision or miracle made known in subtle or dramatic ways. In order to experience revelation, we must decern what is happening in our spirit through exchange and interaction with people, nature and the connection to our surroundings- then translate this information into revelation through scriptural knowledge.
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Dave Clark Interview
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
Thursday Feb 25, 2021
For anyone that has tried to read the bible but could not understand it Dave Clark’s book “A Heart for the Bible” is the perfect segue. Dave starts us on a journey of discovery and personal growth through his personal stories and experiences- providing reasons why we can logically come to rational conclusions as to why we should want to study the bible.
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Symbolic Language
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Tuesday Mar 02, 2021
Finding Revelation in our personal lives is to discover or perceive a surprising and/or previously unknown fact through Divine or Supernatural disclosure. It can be an event, dream, vision or miracle made known in subtle or dramatic ways. In order to experience revelation, we must decern what is happening in our spirit through exchange and interaction with people, nature and the connection to our surroundings- then translate this information into revelation through scriptural knowledge.
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Finding Revelation Daily Dave Clark 2nd Interview
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
Tuesday Apr 20, 2021
My podcast focuses on how we can find revelation in our daily lives. I believe that it starts with knowing and staying in your bible. The stories in the bible help us to understand why and how things happen. One day we wake up and find out you have been diagnosed with cancer or your teenager has a serious drug addiction. When you have a Heart for the Bible and you are in the habit of finding revelation in your daily life it is easier to live by faith in times where things don’t seem to make sense.
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Rainbow Encounter
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Friday Mar 04, 2022
Finding Revelation in our personal lives is to discover or perceive a surprising and/or previously unknown fact through Divine or Supernatural disclosure. It can be an event, dream, vision or miracle made known in subtle or dramatic ways. In order to experience revelation, we must decern what is happening in our spirit through exchange and interaction with people, nature and the connection to our surroundings- then translate this information into revelation through scriptural knowledge.